Welcome aboard Argentina!!

What a team of characters we had back in early January to kick start the new year of 2009 ! Ceduna’s favourite son Sheep Warmington, charismatic Adelaide auctioneer Hamish Mill & Lameroo’s own legend of the promised land, Pods O’Driscoll teamed up with Argentinian traveller, Gustavo Markel. Gustavo had flown across from Tasmania on his own adventures around Australia, so we were rapt that he popped in to take a look at what was happening here as our first Argentinian customer !

Whilst Gustavo was a little jett lagged & tired, the 3 other amigos were ready to go! Shark diving was first on the agenda, but lucked out with the big boys.Smaller Bronze Whaler were prominent though & a good day out was had by all. It was a full deck onbaord the Adventure Lady as we all got into the tuna cage on Day 2. Once again, this is a treat  to do & if you dont feel like swimming with ( mad if you don’t ) the tuna, you can observe them downstairs via the underwater viewing platform. Matt has also added some Snapper & Trevally to the farm to mix in with salmon that entered the pen very small & with all those free lunches, have grown too big to get out !!

With the boys seemingly keen divers, we decided to keep with the theme. Hunting & gathering abolone was the afternoons task & the boys were very good learners. At a secret destination, we had plenty of  big Greenlip Abolone ready for the pan in no time. Prepared properly, this is a delicacy & with fresh oysters,steak & a couple of cold beers around a big hot fire on a beach, it doesn’t get any better!

A few yarns were spent around the fire, some tall, others true & then bedtime, ready for another big day on the water. Whilst Pods, Sheep & Millsy were all seasoned campainers of the famous Aussie swag, it was a first for Gustavo. The swag is like a small canvas horizontal ” tent” if you like, with a nice thick mattress, sleeping bag & pillow inside of it & it just “rolls out” as your bed for the night ! You are covered & protected from wind & rain & any other little crawlies that could stop you from a perfect nights sleep. You know when one is sleeping well by the snoring from that general direction & Gustavo was sleeping very well indeed & good on him, as he had put in another top effort during the day !

After eggs,tomato & bacon on the beach,we packed up & went north/west to greet another crew of ours at the wonderful Baird Bay. The boat was full again & the action a plenty as the dolphins continued to impress & hang around everyone in the water & the sealions were as playful as ever. Along the way, we did the usual stop offs & camera poses at the Cummings Monument & Talia Caves which always go well in the holiday album.

From here, it was departure time for everyone. Sheep ventured back to Ceduna for no doubt another hero’s welcome, Millsy & Pods continued on their own ” Thelma & Louise ” adventures & our favourite Argentinean, Gustavo jumped on a plane to explore other exciting parts of our great country. Great to have you on board boys!