Latest News and Adventures

seafood and wine and beach

The Best of Coffin Bay with Australian Coastal Safaris

The Best of Coffin Bay with Australian Coastal Safaris Just a measly 700km from Adelaide, (or save yourself the 7.5hr drive and take a short 45min flight to PLO)…and you’ll find yourself in quaint Coffin Bay. A small town on the fringe of Mount Dutton and Kellidie Bay – Coffin Bay (and its surrounding waters)…

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Time to ride

What terrific weather we’ve had here in Coffin Bay over the last week. Yes- we have had the odd scorcher, but aside from those it’s been absolutely perfect living weather 🙂 Being so nice, we decided to shut up shop and take the bikes out for a spin in the Coffin Bay National Park. This…

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Tailored Hunt & Gather Safari

Flying in a tiny four-seater plane, the Buchanan Group arrived in Coffin Bay for their 4 day tailored Hunt & Gather Safari. Shortly after arrival in stunning Coffin Bay, we laid on a seafood extravaganza for our guests while they sipped local wines, overlooking the sunset from their private balcony. After a feast of natural…

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The Coffin Bay Explorer

For a start I had better introduce myself. My name is Erin and I am the new Assistant Manager at Goin’ Off Safaris. After starting here on Monday, I have already had a very busy week booking in new trips and playing with the new iMac and today was no exception! This morning I jumped…

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