Great White Shark Diving !!
Done anything exciting lately to get the blood pumping….? Nope ? Well the Great White Sharks are back in the waters off Pt.Lincoln & there are seats & a shark proof diving cage ready with your name on them!
This really is an incredible experience not only for the adrenaline seeker bit also for those that want to experience the raw natural beauty of natures finest but most ferocious & exciting of predators, the Great White Shark.
Loads of action & nothing really can prepare you for your first eyeball to eyeball dive with these monsters whether its from the deck of the 65ft Calypso Star vessel or underwater in the shark cage.
Honed by millions of years of evolution, the White Pointer is one of the most graceful & awe inspiring fish in the sea & only one of the few places in the world to meet these 18ft rippers personally is right here, off Pt.Lincoln in South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula & we at Goin Off Safaris will personally take you there & make sure you get back !!For this and more adventurous action, see our Extreme Ocean Adventure ( click play on video screen to see real life shark action) tour & jump on board for one of the best adventure days of your life !