Adventurer Colin McCallum raises awareness on Ovarian Cancer

Here’s a great story about Colin McCallum, who lost his beloved wife through ovarian cancer and his now doing his best to raise awareness to us all about this disease. Colin contacted us a Goin’ Off Safaris as he badly wants to come to Pt.Lincoln to go shark cage diving amongst the Great Whites!

As part of Colin’s plight to raise awarness, he has just recently returned from Russia and after months of training, he got kitted up and flew a MIg 29 jet fighter to the edge of space to raise awareness for the silent symptoms for Ovarian Cancer! His story has just been on ABC TV in Perth, so click here for the full story.

The images that Colin sent us are below from his day in the MIG. Good on ya mate I say!

The dressing room where it all begins ,suit tighter than tight , these guys had to hod it open while I jumped of the ladder into it
Suit no 2 not just as tight
The walk to the transport that takes you to Mig with test pilot Uri and Erina
Going over plane construction and how they operate , whatever you do , never ever put bubble gum on the tip of the aircraft otherwise all communications are gone
Much better than construction where did I go wrong ?
The power plant 2 – widely spaced RD – 33 turbofan each rated at
18 000 plus Lb in afterburner. They are spaced apart to help generate lift , reduce wing loading and help maneuverability
Learning a few basics
A wee Scottish joke about who pulls the ejection handles in case of an emergency
They are fitted with a K 36 DM ejection seat which has had a lot of success  in emergency escapes. Procedure is to tuck arms and legs tight with head pushed back to try and prevent anything snapping  in the process of exit, as the rocket has a lot of force behind it. All joking aside Uri has lost 2 good friends who were test pilots in these planes but he said at least they passed doing something they loved
Picture before leaving
After the flight
Hope everyone is  well and I  hope this trip has brought  a little more awareness towards Ovarian Cancer
Take care