Eyre Peninsula’s deep sea secrets on the big screen.

Eyre Peninsula’s secrets of the deep sea unveiled on the big screen & narrated by Hollywood superstar Jim Carrey…?

True story, as the below article indicates!. This is a great coup for our coastline to have something like this on the big Imax 3D screens to be shown to audiences around the world. As most would know, Goin Off Safaris takes you to the real stage underwater to dive with the Great White Sharks, swimming with Bluefin Tuna, Sealions & Dolphins plus everything in between !

I like whats said in Michele Hall’s  producers notes where ” this is some of the most exotic & isolated undersea  locations on Earth” . 

I would love to see some of Jim Carrey’s funny faces whilst underwater amongst some of these beauties!!

Snippet from Port Lincoln Times 2nd March 09